304 Stainless Steel
About Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is the most common stainless steel. The steel contains both chromium (between 18% and 20%) and nickel (between 8% and 10.5%) metals as the main non-iron constituents
It is an austenitic stainless steel. It is less electrically and thermally conductive than carbon steel. It is magnetic, but less magnetic than steel.
It has a higher corrosion resistance than regular steel and is widely used because of the ease in which it is formed into various shapes.
304 Stainless
Cutting Specifications
2 3/8 inches diameter
3 inches / minute
70 feet / minute
50 seconds to cut

Q601 M42 Bimetal
- Designed to be a “Go To” blade for cutting steel “One Blade Cuts It All”
- Hi carbon steels, stainless steel, alloy steel, structural steel cutting applications
QFluids C-5200
- Semi Synthetic Coolant
- Formulated specifically for the band sawing industry
- Lubricates and cools the Band Saw Blade extending the tool life
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Monday through Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time
Houston, Texas 77093
Precision Cutting Specialist
Our sawing capabilities include a large range of metals, castings, plastics or molded parts. You can count on Houston Metal Sawing to deliver your parts on time and within budget.